To Get the Best Results, You Need a Plan
- Get a good night sleep before the photo shoot; eight hours, if possible. You don’t want to be look tired with bags under your eyes!
- Drink plenty of water which helps your skin to look healthy.
- If you wear glasses but don’t want to wear them in the photo, remove them thirty minutes before your session to ensure any marks on your nose go away.
- Allow enough time to arrive for your session. Running late and rushing out the door will result in a frazzled less polished look.
- Wear professional business attire. If you are wearing a suit, the jacket should be buttoned up. Dark (preferably black) and a light shirt (preferably white) is required. RBC photos will have a pure white background and therefore the darker the clothing, the better your image will appear) If you are a Retail Store, you MUST wear your RBC Royal Bank Signature Piece in your photo.
- Select your wardrobe and try your clothes in advance so you can be sure that everything is in good condition and fits properly. Make sure clothes are pressed. Read RBC guidelines.
- For men, avoid ties that are tight around the neck. Remove your wallet and cell phone from pockets.
- For women, keep your jewelry small and understated. If you wear makeup, check if a touch-up is needed to remove any natural oils.
- Present a professional appearance. It is very important for your hair to be simply styled as appropriate for business. Make sure you smile or have a warm friendly expression.
- If you are due for a haircut or styling, get it done soon to ensure a natural look.
- Just before the shoot, wash your face with soap and water to remove any natural oils and to freshen up. Do not rub your face vigorously with paper towel as this will make your skin look red.
- If you feel confident in your appearance, your confidence will shine through in your photo. Feeling confident is one of the most important elements of your head shot.